
Principal’s Information Evening - Primary Focus

01 Jun 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Location: The Flagship Centre, Primary CampusPrice: $Free

Parents are invited to attend evening information sessions with Principal Mr Stuart Meade and members of the College Leadership Team on Thursday, 26 May and Wednesday, 1 June.

The events are an opportunity to discuss the completion of the College Survey administered by MMG in Term 4 of 2021. Mr Meade will provide high-level feedback on the Survey results and respond to questions ‘from the floor’. Attendees are also able to submit questions prior to the session to principal@mfac.edu.au to allow time for detailed research which may be needed to respond in sufficient detail.

The events are an opportunity for the College parent community to connect and to hear Mr Meade’s thoughts on the way ahead as we move to the next phase of the COVID pandemic. Mr Meade and the Leadership Team will also address issues that may be hot topics for parents.

The 26 May event will focus on Secondary School information and the 1 June event will be for a Primary School audience, although parents are welcome to attend either evening.

Principal's Information Evenings 

Thursday, 26 May | Secondary School focus

Wednesday, 1 June | Primary School focus

The Flagship Centre, Primary campus, Matthew Flinders Anglican College

6pm | Refreshments

6:30pm – 7:30pm | Information Session

RSVPs are essential.

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