Water Angels call for Flinders families to donate water for Stanthorpe

Locals in Stanthorpe are describing it as the "worst drought in living memory" with the town's water supply at critically low levels and only weeks away from drying up.

Matthew Flinders Anglican College parent Anna Bradley and her friend have decided to make a positive difference by initiating Water Angels - a project to support families in Stanthorpe by collecting donations of bottled drinking water and delivering the water by truck to the town.

Anna said, "Some of the residents can't flush their toilets, they can't feed cattle. Something as simple as washing their hair or turning the tap on, which we take for granted, they can't do. They're only four hours from us, but the contrast is incomprehensible. They're going to run out of water by Christmas. I can't imagine the emotional drain on the families. It's insurmountable. The damage will be generational."

Flinders families can support the Water Angels cause by donating 600ml bottles of drinking water for Stanthorpe families who can then recycle the empty bottles and gain 10 cents per item.

Donations can be delivered to Primary Admin or the Main Admin Office before 10am Thursday, 5 September. Water Angels will pick-up the Flinders community's donations at 1pm on 5 September and deliver them via truck directly to Stanthorpe.

Before delivering large donations of water, please contact Flinders Community Engagement via email community@mfac.ed.au or by phone 07) 5477 3200.

Reference: A recent ABC story about the drought conditions in Queensland: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-08-27/south-east-queensland-record-breaking-dry/11451870

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