Secondary School Welcomes New Flinders Beast Mascot

Presenting the Flinders Beast 2.0! Matthew Flinders Anglican College has unveiled a new Beast mascot for its Secondary School to continue the fine work of its hard-working original Beast mascot, born more than 20 years ago. 

Hidden in a large wooden crate, the new Beast was wheeled in to the front of the stage and spectacularly unveiled by the Head of Secondary School, Mrs Anita Gibson and students at the Flinders Secondary School Assembly on Wednesday, 26 July. 

Story continued below.

So, what is the Beast, you ask?

The Beast is not just a big, friendly (and huggable!) giant; the Beast is here to inspire our school spirit and bring our Flinders community together.

Both our Primary School and Secondary School have their own Beast mascots.

Whether greeting us in the morning at the school gates or cheering us on the poolside of the Flinders Aquatic Centre or on the sidelines at sporting matches, the Beasts act as symbols of Flinderians at their best. 

We use the story of the Flinders Beast to inspire us to be strong enough to care for others in our midst, to resist being discouraged by tough challenges, to strive to find an inner strength and to be the best we can be.

At the assembly, Flinders Head of Senior School, Mr Gary Davis thanked the Old Flinderians’ Association for funding the new mascot. 

Then Selena McKay shared her reflections of the Beast. Selena is the President of the Old Flinderians’ Association and an Old Flinderian who was there on the momentous day, 20 years ago, when the Flinders Beast was first born!

Selena shared this speech:

“Just over 20 years ago, I walked into this Sports Centre, assuming it was a regular assembly, unaware of the impact that day would have.

It is quite peculiar; the memories you think you will remember while you are in school. And then there are moments in time that you don’t think twice about but you will never forget.

I would struggle to give a list of long assemblies I have retained. But I certainly remember the most poignant. I was sitting on the very court that you are now, and the Principal, Mr Anthony Vincent, spoke about the Beast for the very first time. I have goosebumps now just thinking about it! 

Every student, teacher, parent, and attendee gave their full attention to Mr Vincent. He spoke of a story he had heard about a Beast that was seen in the forest. 

The Beast was the spirit of every student; it was the pat on the back of encouragement when we needed it, there to celebrate the victories and triumphs; it was the hope we needed in the tough times; the constant drive and boost of support; it encouraged us to be our very best; it was the backbone of the school spirit.

As Mr Vincent spoke, you could feel the electricity in the air. And as we all sat there in silence, Mr Vincent began the whispers of “Shhh” … “Oo O Lay, Oo O Lay, Ai tiki tunga…” and there the Flinders war cry was born! 

There is a saying that people will always forget what you say, but they never forget how you make them feel. And that day every person listening to that very speech felt like a part of something; they felt the spirit of the Beast come to life.

The Old Flinderians jumped at the opportunity to fund the new Flinders Beast, and we are so proud to be able to be a part of the new chapter in the long-standing tradition. 
The Beast will always be an enormous part of the Flinders spirit - not just while you are a student, but beyond your time at the College. Thank you.” 

Story continued below

Here is a snippet from the Beast’s original story: 

“The Flinders Beast resides in the quiet places of our forest and in the quiet places of our minds.

To commune with the Beast we need to reflect

To take that deep breath

Of the Forest air

And sense the power

Feel the influence

Of being a Flinderian

A single thread in a rich tapestry

Of ongoing success

The spirit of our Beast inspires us to accept the challenge of taking Flinders yet further…” 

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