Year 10 Core HPE

This compulsory subject explores how students can contribute to individual and community health and wellbeing, through an investigation of various factors that create and promote life-long health, and active citizenship. Students engage with content from health, behavioural, social and physical sciences to investigate and understand complex health issues and problems in contemporary society, in particular, road safety and drug and alcohol abuse. Students also complete a range of practical activities to examine topics such as performance enhancement, energy systems, ethical decision-making, tactical awareness and training.


This subject provides a foundation for further studies of Physical Education in Years 11 and 12. The skills developed may also have application to other (Humanities/Science/Arts/Technology) subjects.


Unit 1: Party Safety

As students reach the later stages of adolescents, making safe and healthy decisions in a range of environments is a critical skill for them to develop. Students explore issues that teens experience and propose, and justify, strategies to manage online and offline situations to prevent harm and manage risk.

Written task

Unit 2: Volleyball

Students participate in a Volleyball unit, focusing on their ability to adapt and transfer movement strategies to unfamiliar situations to achieve successful outcomes.

Movement and Physical Activity

Unit 3: Healthy & Safe Relationships

Students evaluate how attitudes and beliefs about equality, respect, diversity and inclusion influence the nature and quality of relationships.

Written task

Unit 4: Team Sports

Students participate in a range of team sports to apply and evaluate their leadership approaches, collaboration strategies and ethical behaviours.

Movement and Physical Activity

Unit 5: Road Safety

As near-future learner drivers, students explore behaviours that impact on safe driver behaviour and synthesise health information to propose and justify strategies to enhance safety on the road.

Written task

Unit 6: Physical Activity for Health and Fitness

Students learn strategies to support lifelong participation in physical activity to improve health, fitness and wellbeing. Community-based physical activity interventions are a focus in this unit.

Movement and Physical Activity


Mrs Donna Doolan

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