Year 8 Health & Physical Education

The HPE curriculum for Year 8 enables students to develop skills and understanding to positively impact personal health and wellbeing, and that of their communities. Students analyse health information and campaigns to propose strategies to enhance health, safety, relationships and wellbeing. They develop assertive communication strategies, protective behaviours and help-seeking strategies applied online and offline; and explore how stereotypes, respect, empathy and diversity influence relationships. Through the Movement and Physical Activity strand, students apply and transfer movement skills and concepts across a range of situations, propose and evaluate strategies designed to achieve personal health, fitness and wellbeing outcomes; and implement and evaluate the effectiveness of movement strategies when participating in a range of physical activities.

The Year 8 course covers the following focus areas:
• Alcohol and other drugs
• Safety
• Food and Nutrition
• Mental health and wellbeing
• Relationships and sexuality
• Fundamental movement skills
• Games and sports
• Rhythmic and expressive activities


Unit 1: Swimming

Students analyse, refine and transfer movement skills in a variety of movement situations in a swimming environment. They demonstrate and explain how movement concepts related to effort, space, time, objects and people can be manipulated to improve movement outcomes.

Unit 2: Drugs and alcohol

Students investigate how media and influential people impact attitudes, beliefs, decisions and behaviours in relation to health, safety, relationships and wellbeing. Students also plan and implement strategies, using health resources, to enhance their own and others' health, safety, relationships and wellbeing.

Unit 3: Nutrition for Aussie Rules

This unit integrates nutrition and sports performance, in particular for Aussie Rules Football. Students will plan and implement strategies, using health resources, to enhance their own and others' health, safety, relationships and wellbeing. They will also participate in physical activities designed to improve fitness and wellbeing to investigate the impact of regular participation on health, fitness and wellbeing as well as designing and justifying strategies to increase physical activity levels to achieve health and wellbeing outcomes.

Unit 4: Mental health and the science behind pain

Students will analyse factors that influence emotional responses and devise strategies to self-manage emotions and refine protective behaviours and evaluate community resources to seek help for themselves and others.

Unit 5: Tennis / Badminton

Students design and demonstrate how movement strategies can be manipulated to improve movement outcomes. They also participate in physical activities that utilise community spaces and outdoor settings, and evaluate strategies to support increased use of these spaces.

Unit 6: Relationships and Dance

Students examine the roles of respect, empathy, power and coercion in developing respectful relationships through a dance unit, working in small groups.


Written tasks, short and long answer responses, ongoing physical performance assessment.


Mrs Donna Doolan

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